Delicious Chicken Salad & Monster Cookies

It's time again for our fresh basil chicken salad and Monster Cookies! Order by Tuesday to enjoy this tastee treat!

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Order This Summertime Favorite!

Our summertime fun continues with out amazingly scrumptious basil chicken salad. Everyone has been enjoying it so far and we're excited to offer it again this week! This delight comes with fresh basil pureed into creamy mayonnaise, crisp cucumber, sautéed chicken, boiled egg and savory parmesan cheese. Your tastebuds will delight! Great for 5-6 servings.

Our Monster Cookies are filled with hearty oatmeal, sweet goodness and the special additions of M&M's and Chocolate Chips. You just can't go wrong with these cookies! They are naturally gluten free and definitely a family favorite.

Place Your Order Here!!!

Thanks for being the best part of Taste of Life!

Visit our store Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5pm. Shop all of our goodies or place an order online. Dawn will be ready for you at the register to help you with whatever you need, and our Taste of Life family is always working hard to bring you high quality delicious meals. Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to get all the good deals and specials! Thank you for blessing us and have a great day!